Call to order:
The special Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Marie Jacob.
Roll Call:
Mayor Marie Jacob
Council Members Jacob Friedrich, Todd D Carlock, and Tony Price
Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro
Also, in attendance were Firemen, Chief Whitson and Keith Sande and Kyle Sawyer from Ehlers.
New Business
Fire Hall Addition
We discussed a 12' x 40' addition onto the fire hall for the fire department. They would use the area for lockers for their equipment, the washer, dryer and a water softener. Total costs were projected at $42,185 but we had previously approved the approximately $13,000 estimate from Frandrup for the back wall back in January. The size could change depending on where the gas line is located (which would only make the size smaller and not larger).
Mayor Jacob made a motion that we approve up to $35,000 for an addition to the fire hall and to include the previously $13,000 for a total of $48,000, seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Preliminary Budget for 2025
We discussed with Ehlers our budget for 2025. It was noted that there should be a long term plan to replace all of the roads in 30 years as well as a plan to do the sewer project for Cordell Court and Cynthia Path. We should have the county money for the road project as a separate item so we know how much has been spent on it. Mary and Sandy will work on getting the amount that remains on the money from the county and will track that separately. After discussion, a 15.36% increase is what will be setting for 2025. When we do the final budget we can't go higher, we can only lower it.
We discussed fees regarding the sewer as we will have to start paying someone once it is up and running. There will be fees charged to those that are hooked up. We will need to contact Banyon regarding what this involves and the fees for doing the sewer services along with the water bills.
We also discussed that Banyon does offer modules similar to CTAS. We are going to check into using them instead of CTAS.
After review, Haro made a motion to approve Resolution No. 24-09 approving the 2025 preliminary levy at $195,750, seconded by Price. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Friedrich, seconded by Carlock, the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.