Call to Order
Roll Call
Mayor: Robert Appelgren
Council Members: Sarah Podritz, Jacob Friedrich, and Todd D. Carlock
Clerk: Mary Haro
Treasurer: Sandra Nicolai
Citizen Comments and Open Forum
Comments are limited to 3 minutes in length. Individuals may address the City Council about any item not included on the regular agenda. Speakers are requested to come to the meeting, state their name and address for the record. Generally, the Council will not take official action on items discussed at this time, but may refer the matter to staff for a future report or direct that the matter be scheduled on an upcoming agenda. In lieu of making comments, speakers may complete an Agenda Request form to request that the matter be addressed at a future meeting.
Approval of Prior Council Meeting Minutes
a. August 10, 2022
Approval of Treasurer's Report
Approval to Pay Bills
Old Business
New Business
a. Budget - Preliminary Levy
b. City Hall Restrooms- Todd Carlock
c. Resolution adopting the 2040 Comprehensive Plan
d. Wade Murray – Parking for Randolph Historical Society
e. Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County
f. Discussion re Joint Meeting with Hampton Council and Fire Department g. Sewer Project
We will start our meeting at 6 p.m. tonight to work on the 2023 budget. Also we will be meeting immediately after our meeting to discuss our Ordinances.