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November 8, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Jake FriedrichJake Friedrich

Call to order:

The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Marie  Jacob. 

Roll Call:

Present were Mayor Marie Jacob, Council Members Jacob Friedrich, Todd Carlock and  Tony Price, Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro.  

  • Also, in attendance was Bolton & Menk engineer, Matt Blazer and legal counsel, Greta  Bjerkness.  

Approval of Agenda:

Motion to approve the agenda with the move of Randolph Trailblazers as the first item  under new business, was made by Jacob, seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor,  none opposed, motion passed 5:0. 

Public Comments:


Prior Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the October 11, 2023 regular council meeting minutes was made by  Friedrich, seconded by Jacob. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills:

Motion to approve the payment of bills was made by Friedrich and seconded by Haro.  All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Old Business

Change Orders for Sanitary Sewer Project 

We will put this on the agenda for the January meeting.  

Fire District Bylaws 

Marie sent an email to the individuals on the Hampton City Council appointed to work on  this project with the draft documents (Bylaws and JPA) and indicated that there is no cost  to them as we have paid the expenses for this but she has not heard back from them on  getting together to work on this with the committee that is being formed. The Mayor and  Dave Lehring are the two appointed individual in Hampton. We can't move forward without their assistance. She is going to attend their monthly meeting which is next week  and just ask them about it.  

Surge Protector in Well House 

Marie talked to Bryce about this. The VFD is susceptible to power surges. An  electrician replaced it with something that is a better system so we don’t need a surge  protector. She was told that what is in their now is the right fit and right thing –it just  needs to be adjusted. Bryce and the electrician's recommendation is that we purchase a  second one to have on hand in case we run into this again. This is a lot less cost and the  electrician was going to get some prices to Bryce.  

New Business

Randolph Trailblazers  

Dan Lee on behalf of the Randolph Trailblazer indicated that their trail goes through the  land that we are purchasing from the Endres'. They asked if they can receive permission  to have the trail go through the property. We just have to be sure that any materials that  

are being moved and stored there will be out of the way of the trail. They were given the  go ahead.  

Wetland Delineation Plan 

As part of the county project they are installing a storm water pond on Dixie and need to  do a delineation for working in a wetland area that we are following all rules.  

Haro made a motion that we approve the wetland delineation and wetland replacement  plan, seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Bolton & Menk Sewer Update 

The road has been paved with a very thin layer. They will be coming out the next week  to pave the sidewalks with temporary asphalt They will be removing the “Road Closed”  signs as soon as possible. They still plan to work on Dixie before winter. All the  materials on Dickman will be moved to the property where the holding ponds will be  once the land acquisition and permits are completed. They attended a hearing at the  Randolph Township planning commission for the CPU permit. They tabled it as they had  some questions to be answered but they will be having a special meeting before their  regular board meeting and if they approve it, it will go in front of the township board for  their approval. Once the permit is approved the materials can be moved and they can  start moving dirt. The materials need to be placed as far away from the snowmobile trail.  It was asked that they do an update to the citizens. We should be hearing from the state  next week regarding the permit. 

Council Member Reports

It was noted that there are chickens roaming around. Clerk Haro sent a letter to the  homeowner with a copy of our current ordinances. Chickens are not allowed to roam.  

There is a tree on the property owned by Progressive Rail. Marie had talked to them and  they indicated that they would look at it. Carlock indicated someone was interested in  taking it down but it was noted that they should get permission from Progressive Rail before doing any work.  

We discussed the back wall of the fire department and Friedrich had a discussion with  Frandrup Masonry to fix the back wall on the fire department. They indicated that they  had zero concern with the blocks defacing. He indicated that we should pressure wash all  the paint off of the blocks and cover it up with tin siding so that the blocks can breathe.  As far as the leaking you can’t know what’s truly leaking until you take off the top and  then there are options of what can be done. They found 3 down spouts back there. All  the water coming off the roof is coming down the wall. They recommended removing  the dirt behind the block to see the rest of the shape of the block and waterproof and drain  tile and fill it back in. You can fill the holes or go higher and check the blocks but you  won’t know what it is until you get into it. The suggestion is to dig everything out,  membrane it, fill in the holes that are there and then put in drain tile and fill it back it,  pressure wash the blocks, tin it and get the down spouts so the water flows away. If it  leaks after that then the next step would be to start at the top. But the suggestion steps  need to be done first. We need to decide what to do and they asked to see an “As Built”  which could not be found. He will put a quote together for us and then we can decide.  

The next meeting we need to do our final budget do you want to start earlier. Clerk Haro  will update the budget and send it around. It was recommended that we get Ehlers  involved in the budget next year.  

It was asked if we got estimates for the pavillion and roofs on the garage. We will submit  a claim with the insurance company.  

Marie attended the Township Officers meeting . They are held quarterly and the next one  is scheduled for March, 2024. She learned that the Dakota 911 funding is on hold. They  are going to come up with a new plan. They received a lot of feedback and every small  city and township had signed on with the exception of one. They do still plan to hire new deputies.  

Dave from ProRail discussed with Marie that they have an opportunity from MNDOT for  a matching grant for railroad improvements. He asked if the city would be willing to  write a letter that we approve of improvements on the railroad. It was asked if we could  see the letter prior to her sending it to the railroad.  

Mayor Jacob moved to close the meeting at 8:00 pm to attend a closed meeting to consider  an attorney-client privileged legal matter.

Closed Meeting 

Mayor Jacob at 8:01 p.m. called to order a closed meeting pursuant to Minn. Stat. 13D.05  subd. 3(b) for attorney-client privileged communication to discuss the proposed  settlement of the Endres property for the sanitary sewer project.  

Mayor Jacob moved to reopen the meeting at 8:35 p.m.  

Motion to accept Resolution No. 23-15 Approving the Settlement and Stipulation with  Endres Revocable Trusts in the amount of $1,555,000 made by Mayor Jacob, seconded  by Carlock. Voting in favor, Mayor Jacob, Councilmembers Carlock, Price, Friedrich  and Clerk Haro, none opposed. Motion passed 5:0.  


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Haro seconded by Jacob, the meeting was  adjourned at 8:38 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

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Marie Jacob


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


Sandra Nicolai


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024 


Mary Haro


Term Expires Dec. 31, 2026 

Council Member

Tony Price


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Todd Carlock


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Jacob Friedrich


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


T: (507) 645-7492


4365 292nd Street East

P.O. Box 68
Randolph, MN 55065

Created by Randolph Alumni and current resident Melissa Ekstrom with Ekstrom Consulting

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