Call to order:
The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Marie Jacob.
Roll Call:
Mayor Marie Jacob
Council Members Jacob Friedrich, Todd D Carlock, and Tony Price
Treasurer Sandy Nicolai was absent and Clerk Mary Haro was present
Also, in attendance was Bolton & Menk engineer, Matt Blazer.
Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve the agenda was made by Carlock, seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.
Public Comments:
Prior Meeting Minutes
A motion to approve the February 14, 2023 regular council meeting minutes was made by Friedrich, seconded by Haro. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills:
Motion to approve the payment of bills was made by Friedrich and seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Sandy made a note that we received a payment from R Bar for their liquor license and also $1,353.53 in interest from Castle Rock Bank in February.
Old Business
New Business
Fire Department
Fireman Greg Endres came before the council to ask for approval to increase the benefit level for the Firemen's Retirement Fund from $2,250 to $2,800 per year of service to be effective this year. Motion by Friedrich to approve the increase to the Fireman's Relief Association Retirement Fund from $2,250 to $2,800 per year of service, seconded by Jacob. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Lions Club
Roger Kittelson of Goodhue Township came before the council to discuss starting a Lions Club in the Randolph area. What they do is raise money and give it away. Some clubs work with fire departments on shared activities. Getting the word out is what is needed to start a club. He would like to sponsor an informational meeting in the next month, which would involve sending a newsletter home with kids through the school letting them know that there is an informational meeting. We will check with the fire department making sure they are okay with starting a club.
Mowing Contract
Sam’s Lawn Maintenance sent in a proposal for lawn care for 2024 with an increase of $5 a week raising it to $165.00 a week.
Motion to accept the proposal from Sam’s Lawn Maintenance for 2024 was made by Carlock, seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Reed Kosir
Reed Kosir presented a preliminary plat for Shirley Erie 2nd Addition. He will be changing the lot lines and going from two lots (Lots 6 and 9. Block 1 to one big lot in Block 1. He needs city approve to eliminate all the utility and drainage easements from the previous plat in Lots 6 and 9, Block 1, Shirley Erie Addition and the new utility and drainage easements will be dedicated to Block 1, Shirley Erie 2nd Addition.
A motion to approve preliminary plat Shirley Erie 2nd Addition was made by Carlock, seconded by Friedrich and a motion to vacate the utility and drainage easements in Lots 6 and 9, Block 1, Shirley Erie Addition and dedicate new utility and drainage easements to Block 1, Shirley Erie 2nd Addition was made by Jacob, seconded by Carlock.
All voting in favor, none opposed, motions passed 5:0.
Laura Nelson – Road Between 4170 and 4220 292nd Street
Laura Nelson inquired about giving the easement road by her property that she currently owns to the City. The homeowners are supposed to contribute equally to help maintain the road and that is not happening by one of the owners. She wanted to know what she needs from us to move forward. Most likely all 4 homeowners would need to sign off on this. She would need to do a formal request to the city. We will have to discuss this with our legal counsel.
Bolton & Menk Sewer Update
We need to approve some resolutions regarding the PFA to get the agreement signed so we can start getting the funds. We need to pass a resolution regarding the sewer rates. Noting goes into effect until June 2025 so we could change the rates if necessary.
Friedrich made a motion to approve Resolution No. 24-03 adopting new sewer user rate structure and access charges, seconded by Price. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
The residents will own the line from the street to their home/building. Friedrich made a motion to approve Resolution No. 24-04 declaring the official intent of City of Randolph to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of the bonds to be issued by the City, seconded by Price. All voting inf favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
We received an invoice from Northland in the amount of $427,523.17 which is for material, most of which is sewer and water pipes and fittings. Since we just received this invoice and Sandy was absent, Friedrich made a motion to approve Sandy to cut a check when she returns to Northland for Pay Application No. 2 in the amount of $427,523.17, seconded by Jacob. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
The contractor did some recent testing for the groundwater levels and it was noted that it only dropped a foot since the lake is down. In order to continue with the work, the contractor did a change order request to do the dewatering and a staging change to do all of the dewatering that would need to be done which would save about $80,000. They are planning on bringing in another crew and getting as much done this year as possible. They plan to work until the end of October and maybe into November and hope to finish by May of next year. After discussion, Jacob made a motion to approve Change Order 1, seconded by Carlock. Voting in favor Jacob, Carlock, Price and Haro, opposed by Friedrich, motion passed 4:1.
They will update the staging plan and get a newsletter sent out to the citizens. The construction is supposed to start back up the 25th with the staging of the dewatering and the pumps which will start about April 1st and they will remove the pavement that same week. The road closure signs will be put up about April 1st.
Council Member Reports
Carlock noted that the Fire Department is interested in expanding a bay for storage in the future; however, we should go forward with fixing the back wall.
He noted that the aerator on the water tower seems to be on high speed and is audible on the ground level which affects the neighbors in the area. Jacob will discuss it with Bryce.
Clerk Haro noted that we had a total of 48 people vote during the Presidential Primary.
Marie noted that we should think about any projects for the senior project. If you think of anything in the community for the senior class to work on send a message to Marie. Maybe paint the picnic tables or the hallway in City Hall could use a new coat of paint.
Marie noted that the Township and Small Cities meeting is scheduled for March 23 at 9:00 am at the Dakota County Extension building. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Marie noted that the Mayor's term is only for two years and just wanted to inquire if we were interested in changing it to four years. She did check with legal counsel who thought it was city code.
Greta indicated that she will only attend meetings if we ask her to. If something comes up during a meeting that we need her advice, we will table the issue until the next meeting.
Jake indicated that he is working on getting our website that was linked to the old email address. He is trying to get Sarah Podritz removed since she is no longer a council member and trying to change it to our new email address at Midco. It would be easier if the website was associated with the city email. Whoever has access to the website would need to have access to the email. We discussed if everyone should have access to the city email and was concluded that we didn't feel this was necessary. If it is linked to the city's email then it is a direct route and this makes the most sense so then nothing would need to be changed is someone would leave or no longer be on the council. We can discuss this next month.
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Carlock, seconded by Haro, the meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.