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January 8, 2025 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes


Call to order:

The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Marie  Jacob.  

Roll Call:


  • Mayor Marie Jacob

  • Council Members Jacob Friedrich, Todd D Carlock, Tony Price, and new member, Randy Ferguson

  • Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro

  • Also, in attendance was Bolton & Menk engineer, Matt Blazer and planner, Nathan Fuerst and legal counsel, Greta Bjerkness of LeVander, Gillen & Miller. 

Swearing in New Officers:

Mayor, Marie Jacob, Councilmembers, Jake Friedrich, Tony Price and Randy Ferguson  and Treasurer Sandy Nicolai all took the oath of office.  

We want to thank Todd Carlock for his service on the council.

Approval of Agenda:

Mayor Jacob would like to scratch the Scope of Work for Bryce Pressnall from the agenda.  Motion to approve the agenda with the deletion was made by Friedrich, seconded by Price.  All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0. 

Public Comments:


Prior Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the December 11, 2024, regular council meeting minutes was made  by Friedrich, seconded by Price. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills:

Tony and Sandy are still working on the spreadsheet and hope to have that done soon. The  goal is the understand where our budget is at and be able to see what we have spent to date.  

Motion to approve the payment of bills was made by Jacob and seconded by Friedrich. All  voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0. 

Old Business

Northern Salt Site Development 

Northern Salt wants to develop the site off of Dickman. The site is approximately 30 acres  in size. There are two different property owners (1) Dave Fellon of Progressive Rail owns  the northern portion and (2) Northern Salt owns the southern portion (the “Applicants”).  They are working together on this proposal for the property. The property is zoned as  industrial. They have submitted a grading permit in October 2024 to begin moving dirt on  the property. Approval of the grading permit does not grant them permission to build or  does it establish their land use on the property.  

Bolton & Menk asked what direction the council wants to take.  

In November of 2024 the Applicants submitted additional plans which were reviewed by  Bolton & Menk and they provided some comments regarding zoning. The Applicants  came back in December 2024 regarding storage on the property and what the use of the  property was. They need a grading permit before they begin doing any work; however,  before we issue the permit we should agree that their land use is acceptable. When they  submitted the grading permit, Bolton & Menk had not yet seen any plans. It was noted that  the plans had changes several times; however, they have to meet the cities land use zoning.  They did get a permit from Dakota County for the driveway which is close to the resident  who resides in the area which we think should move further south. They are proposing a  60,000 sq. ft. building on the northern half of the property for storage to transload  nonhazardous concrete construction materials. They also proposed a work area on 5 acres  to offload to and from the rail on the southern part as a temporary staging loading interim  which will be exclusively for the process of moving products from the rail cars to trucks. Storage will be limited as necessary to coordinate the loading and delivery of the product.  This is a proposed temporary use of the property. Since a large portion of the property is  for outdoor storage that is more of a primary use. It seems that more parking spaces are  needed than what is shown on the plans. With the size of the outdoor storage they are  planning, we could require some type of screening or fencing to separate use from the  roadways.  

The land use proposed and our code for permitted uses in the industrial district does not  include their type of use. We can approve it and put some conditions on it.  

If we wanted to move forward we could move to do a zoning text amendment to amend  the industrial zoning district to allow as a conditional use and then we could put on  conditions. We would need a phasing plan to understand the transloading project going to  and from the train tracks and we could issue an interim short term project but we have to  put a time frame on it but it needs to be in conformance with our zoning code and  regulations. Having train tracks and storage as a principal use is not in conformance with  our regulation. Through conditions of approval, the city has the ability to do its best to  have the developer avoid nuisance on the property. We can enforce setbacks that may  apply to railroad tracks. We can enforce conditions and say it has to be set back how many feet from the property lines if we grant a conditional use permit or interim use permit. We  could set reasonable conditions such as train tracks not so close to a residents property.  

It seems as if their principal use is outdoor storage and that does not meet our zoning  requirements. They would have to revise their grading plans to fit into what the city is  comfortable with.  

We discussed if the City Council is in support of the land uses described by the Applicant?  In the Northern area, it was suggested that we have a conditional use for it and in the  Southern area we concluded that outdoor storage is not acceptable. Regarding the  temporary transloading project, we don’t know what that means but should we allow it on  an interim basis for a period of time.  

We want to work with them but we have some concerns. They should come forward with  a zoning text amendment and a conditional use permit and then we would have the  opportunity to amend our code and approve what happens and put stipulations on a  conditional use permit. We suggest that the tracks and driveway move so it is not a  nuisance to the landowner in the area. Bolton & Menk will communicate with them that  they need to provide us with a phasing plan for the whole property.  

Due to those issues, the grading permit has not been issued yet and Bolton & Menk is not  ready to approve.  

There is a process to amend the zoning code and issue a CUP. Typically we see them  consecutively so first we amend the code and then we issue the CUP. If we amend the  code it will be for all industrial parcels.  

The process is to tell the developer that the city council has discussed this and wants to  work with them but not comfortable with everything. General comfort with the eco  building and storage that is indoors. Outdoor storage is not okay and that needs to be  adjusted on the site plan. Seeing the phasing plan and understanding the plans better so we  can discuss this further. They were required to deposit $5,000 into escrow to cover the  costs for this work.  

New Business

River Country Coop 

John Duchscherer the general manager and Dean Larson the location Manager at RiverCountry Cooperative came before the council with a more detailed plan on what they plan  to do in the Spring of 2025.  

They have presented their plans to Matt at Bolton & Menk and have been working with  Mark our building inspector. They would like to start on building the new office as soon  as this Spring in April or sooner which would be Phase 1. Phase 2 would be approximately  July 1 they will start tearing down the north end of the fertilizer plant and they are working  with MN Dept of Ag as there is contaminated soil underneath the fertilizer plant which will be remediated and disposed of appropriately. They also noted that all of the blending will  now be done inside. There are plans for a future shop to be built. They will be hooking  up to city sewer when available but they have plans in place until that happens. They are  getting final bids and will be awarding them soon. They are going to be building up the  land about 12 inches higher so they don’t have water issues. The contractor will start to  move towards getting permits. We were all in agreement with what they are planning.

Appointment of new Committees

Acting Mayor – Jake Friedrich 

Parks - Clerk Mary Haro, Mayor Marie Jacob and Council Member Randy Ferguson Sidewalks - Council members Jacob Friedrich, Tony Price and Randy Ferguson Streets – Council members Jacob Friedrich, Tony Price and Randy Ferguson Wellhead –Clerk Mary Haro and council member Tony Price 

Civil Defense - Reed Kosir 

Building Inspector – Mark Ceminsky, Beaver Creek Companies 

City Attorney - Levander, Gillen & Miller 

Prosecution Firm for City – Campbell Knutson 

City Engineer - Bolton & Menk 

Official Bank - Merchants Bank 

Official Newspaper - Cannon Falls Beacon 

Insurance - Northfield Insurance 

Merchants Bank Accounts 

We approved that the signers on the bank accounts at Merchants Bank be designated as  Clerk, Mary Haro, Mayor, Marie Jacob and council member, Tony Price and that we should  remove Todd Carlock as a signer from the accounts. Clerk Haro will notify Merchants  Bank to get this changed.  

Also our treasurer, Sandy Nicolai should have permission to transfer money between the  accounts.  

North Cannon River Watershed Management Organization 

Todd Carlock was our representative and it was noted that it has to be a council member.  Meetings are held once a quarter and the pay is $25.00 plus mileage. Randy Ferguson will  be our representative for this organization. Clerk Haro will notify NCRWMC of this  appointment.  


They will not be issuing license until this summer at the earliest. Greta will do a  presentation to the council. We do have the option to have the county administer it for the  city. We will table this for a future meeting. 

Sewer Project 

They are working on reinstalling mail boxes. Some are done but some are not completed.  They are working with the post office to get it done. ‘No Parking” signs need to be installed  by the fire hall.  

Also a citizen noted there is a pile of stuff on Duncan Court and was wondering what it  was. Matt will look into it.  

Council Member Reports

Any updates on snow removal. After the first snow fall most sidewalks were shoveled.  

Jake reached out the sewer operator and he does not have a Class C license. He just needs  to take the test. He wants to work under our insurance. We will keep his number to discuss  regarding locates.  

Clerk Haro noted that the Merchants Bank Hampton Branch is not going to be reopening.  They decided to permanently close that branch. We do usually work with the Cannon Falls  branch.  

The first pine tree on the east end by Hwy 88 and Danel is tough to see the traffic. This  needs to be looked into. We need to think about safety. Matt will look at this. The trees  will need to be trimmed.  


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Friedrich, seconded by Jacob, the meeting was  adjourned at 8:47 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

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Marie Jacob


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


Sandra Nicolai


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024 


Mary Haro


Term Expires Dec. 31, 2026 

Council Member

Tony Price


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Todd Carlock


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Jacob Friedrich


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


T: (507) 645-7492


4365 292nd Street East

P.O. Box 68
Randolph, MN 55065

Created by Randolph Alumni and current resident Melissa Ekstrom with Ekstrom Consulting

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