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January 10, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Jake FriedrichJake Friedrich

Call to order:

The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Marie  Jacob. 

Roll Call:


  • Mayor Marie Jacob

  • Council Members Jacob Friedrich, Todd D Carlock, and Tony Price

  • Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro

  • Also, in attendance was Bolton & Menk engineer, Matt Blazer.

Approval of Agenda:

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Friedrich, seconded by Price. All voting in  favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Public Comments:


Prior Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the December 13, 2023 regular council meeting minutes was made  by Friedrich, seconded by Jacob. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills:

Motion to approve the payment of bills with the addition of the $25.00 payment to Todd  Carlock for the Watershed meeting from the general account was made by Friedrich and  seconded by Price. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Old Business

Change Orders 

We discussed if we want to move forward with allowing Bolton & Menk to approve  change orders for a certain dollar amount. After discussion we decided to table this until  our February meeting. We would like some examples of what change orders would be.  

Repairs to Fire Hall 

Jake received a bid from Frandrup Masonry of $10,865.00 for repairs to the fire hall which will consist of pressure washing the block above and below grade, repair damaged  block behind down spouts, apply stick and peel waterproofing membrane from 1’ above  grade to and over footing, install drain tile and 12” pea rock and backfill creating a swale  from building to the east, pour splash blocks from down spouts to swale. He also asked them to give an amount for the remaining 20 feet of the north side of the building to the  west which was $3,100.00. Also if he finds any other issues he will take care of them  which he gave an estimate of $1,000. He thinks this will fix the leaking but since we  don’t know the hall was constructed if there is leaking after this work is done then it will  be coming from the roof. Timeline to get this done depends on the temperature but he  still could do it during the winter. After review of the bid between $14,000 and $15,000,  Friedrich made a motion to approve the bid of $10,865 plus $3,100 and possibly another  $1,000 from Frandrup Masonry, seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none  opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

New Business

Gambling Permit for Waterford Warriors/R Bar 

R Bar asked for approval for the Waterford Warriors to conduct gambling such as bingo,  meat raffles and the $5 pull tabs at R Bar. They will submit their 10% to the City  annually by February 15th of each year.  

Motion to approve the Waterford Warriors to conduct gambling in the R Bar was made  by Friedrich, seconded by Price. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Dakota County Deputy 

Deputy Ryan was present and asked if we had anything to discuss. They like to patrol  around in the school in the morning and after school. He indicated if we see a big gap  when we don’t see them for a while just call them and tell them we haven’t seen them in  a while. If you see something, say something, call 911.  

Appointment of Committees 

Acting Mayor – Todd Carlock 

Parks - Mayor Marie Jacob and Clerk Mary Haro 

Sidewalks - Council members Jacob Friedrich and Tony Price 

Streets – Council members Jacob Friedrich and Tony Price 

Wellhead –Clerk Mary Haro and council member Todd D. Carlock 

Civil Defense - Reed Kosir 

Building Inspector – Mark Ceminsky, Beaver Creek Companies 

City Attorney - Korine Land of Levander, Gillen & Miller 

Prosecution Firm for City – Campbell Knutson 

City Engineer - Bolton & Menk 

Official Bank - Merchants Bank 

Official Newspaper - Cannon Falls Beacon 

Insurance - Kevin Rodgers - Northfield Insurance 

We are going to look into switching banks to Castle Rock Bank. They are local and they have been very good to us. Motion to approve the appointments of the committees for the year 2024 was made by Friedrich, seconded by Jacob. All voting in favor, none  opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Insurance Claim for City Buildings 

The League of Minnesota Cities sent us a list of what he examined and what he noted for  damages. He asked that we decide what we all want done. We need to get at least one  bid from a contractor. We will ask the contractor to check the garage by the water tower  to be sure they don’t see more damage. 

Historical Society Water 

They are now hooked up to water but they can’t use it because it has no place to go.  They are paying for water and asked why they have to pay for a service they don’t have.  We have a rule that if they have a curb stop they are being charged. That is the same  throughout the city. There are several other properties that pay for water that are not  using it. If we change it for one person, we have to change it for everyone.  

Bolton & Menk Sewer Update 

Matt noted that trees have been cut down. He will follow up on having the materials for  construction being moved to the holding pond site.  

It was asked about the dirt walls that were built where the holding ponds are going. They  built a pond on the lowest part of the property. The contractor chose that site and its on  them if anything happens. The resident in that area did approve of where it is and said it  does not have to be moved.  

Council Member Reports

Marie noted that Jim Heiman is still working on getting a bid to us for the remodel of the  restrooms in City Hall and hopes to get it to us soon.  

It was noted that we need to get the high/low meter installed at the school. Marie will  talk to Bryce. 


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Haro seconded by Carlock, the meeting was  adjourned at 8:00 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

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Marie Jacob


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


Sandra Nicolai


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024 


Mary Haro


Term Expires Dec. 31, 2026 

Council Member

Tony Price


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Todd Carlock


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Jacob Friedrich


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


T: (507) 645-7492


4365 292nd Street East

P.O. Box 68
Randolph, MN 55065

Created by Randolph Alumni and current resident Melissa Ekstrom with Ekstrom Consulting

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