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February 9, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Jake FriedrichJake Friedrich

Call to order:

The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Robert Appelgren.

Roll Call:


  • Mayor Robert Appelgren

  • Council Members Sarah Podritz, Jacob Friedrich, and Todd D Carlock

  • Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro

Public Comments:


Prior Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the January 12, 2022 regular council meeting minutes was made by Friedrich, seconded by Podritz. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Treasurer's Report

Sandy indicated that the CD’s are no longer on hold as the water tower loan has been paid. We took in approximately $7,500 this month from water bills. There was a question of why the general fund balance was so much lower from January to February. Sandy will look into this and get back to us. The water meter payment is being sent out and are being ordered.

A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report was made by Podritz, seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Approval to Pay Bills

There is an addition of the payment of salt to Dakota County that was not included in our payment list and the payment to Ehler’s.

Motion to approve the payment of bills including the payment to Dakota County for the salt and to Ehlers, was made by Friedrich, and seconded by Podritz. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Old Business

Building Permit for Stephanie and Jacob Groenke

Mark has all of the documents. There was a question regarding the setbacks. Our newest ordinance does indicate a setback of 5 feet so they are good there. They are planning to add a covered porch in the back. The garage is 1500 sq. ft. and the covered porch will be 300 sq. ft. It was noted to them that the covered porch can never be enclosed. They are all good with Dakota County regarding setbacks on their septic.

Motion by Friedrich to approve the building permit for the Groenke’s to build a garage, noting that the covered porch must not be enclosed, seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion pass 4:0, Council member Podritz abstained from the vote.

New Business

Tyler Kirstner

Tyler Kirstner introduced himself as he is running for U.S. Congress in the 2nd District. He is a Republican that has served 9 years in active duty in the Marine Corps.

Dakota County Deputies

Two Dakota County deputies stopped in to see if there was anything to discuss. They had mentioned that catalytic converters were still being stolen and if your cars are parked outside you should lock them as there has been calls on people going through cars. They did mention that if you see something that is not right give them a call and they can check it out.

There was a discussion regarding the boat on Dickman. Clerk Haro noted that she asked for an update from Sergeant Samuelson and has not heard anything yet.

Fire Department

Chief Firemen Kevin Whitson came before the council to ask for an increase from $2,000 to $2,250 per year of service for the Fireman's Retirement Fund to be effective this year.

Motion by Friedrich to raise the Fireman's Relief Association Retirement Fund from $2,000 to $2,250 per year of service, seconded by Podritz. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Kevin also indicated that the deferred interest rate will stay at 1.25%.

Motion by Appelgren, seconded by Friedrich that the deferred interest rate will stay at 1.25%. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Mike Slavik, Dakota County Commissioner

Mike noted that the county board approved an additional $375,000 for septic or sewer replacement to low income households. With the $25,000 already approved the total amount available would be $400,000 for this program. Amounts of $5,000 to $20,000 would be approved as a cost to connect to city sewer if they have income requirements that qualify for the assistance. The amount of $10,000 would be a grant that does not have to be paid back and the remaining could be put on their property taxes spread out over several years. The County handles the work for this program. This money must be spent by 2024 which could fall within our sewer project when the time comes.

He also noted that AARP money can be entirely listed as lost revenue for small cities and townships. He noted that Dakota County is putting $17,000,000 toward the hydro electrical plant at Lake Byllesby. This will prevent them from taking out a loan to repay the amount. He indicated that Dakota County is taking their time to spend to money so that they do it right.

He also noted that road construction will be happening in Dakota County on County Road 88 and 96

He did note that the Spring Township Meeting is scheduled for March 19th in Empire Township and we are all invited to attend. The meeting starts at 8;30 and concludes around 11:30.

We discussed the boat on Dickman Avenue that is parked and he indicated that they are looking into it and seeing what can be done.

Bolton & Menk Sewer Update

Matt Blazer of Bolton & Menk discussed holding an open house in late March or early April to update citizens on the project. They will discuss it with the school district to hold it there and they will take care of everything. They will send out a letter like they did for the questionnaire to the citizens to notify them of the meeting. They want to conduct the meeting to get the public’s input on the project.

He noted that they talked to the property owners regarding the spraying and has a meeting schedule in the new couple of weeks to discuss further. The spraying part needs to be finalized before moving on to the ponds portion of the project. They will not be disclosing the names of the property owners because of confidentiality at this time.

Mark Ceminsky - Historical Society Building

Mark mentioned that he had to renew Stop Savers permit as it expired so there will be a renewal fee.

He also discussed a building on Dickman Avenue. He indicated that they did some work with no permit so he put a stop work order on the building and they have not contacted him. He indicated they would need a permit to do the floor, the doors, and windows. They have to get him plans and have the property available for inspection. If not, the city will have to send a letter to them from the city’s attorney. Mark indicated that if they contact him he will let Clerk Haro know so we will not have to send a letter to them. They have to submit a permit and they will be penalized for not obtaining a permit before the work was done.

He was also checking on some buildings that were falling apart and appear to be vacant. The mobile home appears that something fell on it. It appears to be abandoned and it becomes a safety issue for the city. The mayor indicated he was told it would be gone by June but he didn’t indicate what year. He indicated that buildings that seem to be an safety issue should be removed or destroyed because they could collapse. We need to send a letter to these residents and ask that they appear at the council meeting or to let us know what their plans are for the building, if they will remove the building, repair it or what their contentions are or we could condemn the building. We will send a letter indicating that they have become safety issues.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Podritz, seconded by Haro, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

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Marie Jacob


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


Sandra Nicolai


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024 


Mary Haro


Term Expires Dec. 31, 2026 

Council Member

Tony Price


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Todd Carlock


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Jacob Friedrich


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


T: (507) 645-7492


4365 292nd Street East

P.O. Box 68
Randolph, MN 55065

Created by Randolph Alumni and current resident Melissa Ekstrom with Ekstrom Consulting

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