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December 8, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Jake FriedrichJake Friedrich

Call to order:

The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Robert Appelgren.

Roll Call:


  • Mayor Robert Appelgren

  • Council Members Jacob Friedrich, and Todd D Carlock. Sarah Podritz was absent.

  • Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro

Public Comments:

Alec Hamilton with the Beacon introduced himself.

Prior Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the November 10, 2021 was made by Friedrich, seconded by Appelgren. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Treasurer's Report

Sandy noted that we took in approximately $8,000 from water bills. Bryce submitted his payroll for the entire year. It was noted that he will submit his hours monthly next year.

A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report was made by Friedrich, seconded by Appelgren. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Approval to Pay Bills

Sandy noted that she did not include on the bill payment statement, the payment of $90.00 to Mary Haro for cleaning the hall. The checks for the fire department are in and out payments and one is for the state aid that we received.

A motion to approve the payment of bills as written including the $90.00 check to Mary Haro, was made by Appelgren, and seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Old Business

No old business to discuss.

New Business

Dakota County Deputy

Deputy Langard stopped in and asked us if we had anything to discuss. He was asked if he knew anything about the boat on Dickman Avenue. He will inquire about this.

He noted that the Sheriff's Department does not accept gift cards as there are scams out there telling people to buy them for payment.

It was noted that a vehicle took out a wire on a telephone pole on Dixie Avenue and should be looked at. He will look into this.

It was asked about the school incident and what can they share with us. There was a threat made and they are taking it seriously. Investigation is still happing. It was asked if citizens should be worried and he did not think they need to be. He noted that we could call the Sheriff's office and ask them about it and they could possibly share more information with us. They are putting extra patrols in the area. .

Lot Split for Podritz/Duscher

Sarah Podritz indicated that she needs a resolution for the purchase of land they are buying from Doug Duscher.

Motion by Friedrich to approve Resolution no. 21-16 approving the property splits between Duscher and Podritz, Parcel ID 32-00700-20-022, seconded by Haro. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Refinancing of Bond

Todd Hagen from Ehler’s discussed the refinancing of the bond. He handed out the Sale Day Report and a summary of the bond issue. There is also a resolution that needs to be passed to award the sale to Castle Rock Bank. We are refinancing the Merchant Bank loan. The cost of the bond issue came down $5,000 so it is now at $273,000. Castle Rock Bank gave us an interest rate of 2.85%.

We will have payments of $20,000 and the first interest payment will be August 1, 2022. Then the payments will be principal and interest every six months. Also the bond can be paid early without any penalty. Sandy asked about coupons for making the payments and was told she talk to Castle Rock Bank. Todd indicated that they will send a closing

memo once it is closed and the closing is set for December 28th. He indicated that the Merchants Bank loan will be paid on December 29th.

Once the Merchants Bank loan is paid out CD's will be released as collateral for that loan.

Haro made a motion to approve Resolution No. 21-15 Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of $273,000 Taxable General Obligation Water Revenue and Refunding Bonds, seconded Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Final Budget – Tax Levy

In a discussion regarding the budget we decided not to make any changes to the budget. A motion was made by Appelgren, to approve the final budget and Resolution No. 20-13 setting the levy in the amount of $154,109 and the debt levy at $4,279, seconded by Friedrich. Voting in favor is Appelgren, Friedrich and Haro, opposed by Carlock, motion passed 3:1.

Polling Place Designation

Clerk Haro noted that we need to pass a resolution yearly designating the polling place for elections.

Council member Friedrich made a motion to approve Resolution No. 21-14 designating the Randolph City Hall as the polling place for 2022, seconded by Appelgren. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Prosecution Firm for City of Randolph

It was noted that the law firm of Levander, Gillen & Miller will no longer being doing prosecution work after December 17th. We need to look for another firm to assist the city.

Levander's fees were at $120 for attorneys and $90 for legal assistants. We received three proposals from

Kelly and Lemmons of St. Paul came in as the same rates as Levander - $120/$90.

Doherty, Molenda, Solfest, Hines and Bauer in Apple Valley came in with their rates at $152.34 for attorneys and $93.50 for legal assistants.

Campbell Knutson in Eagan came in at $125 for attorneys and $93.00 for legal assistants. They work with several other cities in Dakota County and they are situated in Dakota County.

After discussion a motion was made by Friedrich to approve Campbell Knutson to represent the City of Randolph in prosecution matters, seconded by Appelgren. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0,

Sewer Update

They are continuing on the preliminary design. They had several trucks in the area taking pictures and collecting some information.

They were asked if they have updated the website at all and asked that they do so.

Matt noted they are still moving forward with getting land for the holding ponds. They are working on an agreement and will bring it to us which could be a few months.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Appelgren, seconded by Friedrich, the meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

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Marie Jacob


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


Sandra Nicolai


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024 


Mary Haro


Term Expires Dec. 31, 2026 

Council Member

Tony Price


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Todd Carlock


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024

Council Member

Jacob Friedrich


Term Expires Dec 31, 2024


T: (507) 645-7492


4365 292nd Street East

P.O. Box 68
Randolph, MN 55065

Created by Randolph Alumni and current resident Melissa Ekstrom with Ekstrom Consulting

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