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Writer's pictureJake Friedrich

August 14, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Marie  Jacob.  

Roll Call:


  • Mayor Marie Jacob

  • Council Members Jacob Friedrich, Todd D Carlock, and Tony Price

  • Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro

  • Also, in attendance was Bolton & Menk engineer, Matt Blazer. 

Approval of Agenda:

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Friedrich, seconded by Price. All voting in  favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0. 

Public Comments:

A Dakota County deputy stopped and asked if we had anything to report. He did not have  anything to report to us.  

Prior Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the July 10, 2024, regular council meeting minutes was made by  Friedrich, seconded by Price. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills:

We received an invoice from Atlast for the replacement of the roofs on the pavilion and  the old firehall. We will submit this invoice for reimbursement from the League of  Minnesota Cities. We have a deductible of $250.  

Also it was noted that not all of the new water meters have been installed – there are  approximately 30 left. Sandy will contact Bryce to try to get them installed this Fall. The  schools is not installed and they indicated it may not be the right size. Have Dakota Supply  meet with Reed and Bryce as they told us what to order so we can get this completed.  

Motion to approve the payment of bills including the payment to the Randolph Fire District  in the amount of $39,924.06 for state money that we received was made by Jacob and  seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Old Business

We will hold until next month's meeting regarding the holding pond fence as Greta is  checking on some issues. Mayor Jacob received a message regarding mowing inside the  fence so we should contact Jason to mow again. 

The public hearing on vacating the alley from Dickman to Danel will be held during our  October 2024 meeting.  

New Business

R Bar Deck Permit 

Nate Icaza confronted the council to request a permit to install a patio out back behind the  garage door. It will have a pergola top and it will be a poured concrete slab.  

Motion to approve the permit for the R Bar's permit for a deck based on our building  inspectors approval was made by Friedrich, seconded by Haro. All voting in favor, none  opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Election Results 

Clerk Haro noted that 39 individuals came in to vote during the Primary election on  August 13th.  

City Hall Roof 

We received an estimate from Horizon Roofing for the repairs on the roof over city hall.  We also received one from Atlast Roofing.  

Friedrich made a motion to approve the quote from Atlast Roofing for the roof over city  hall, seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

We also discussed the work to be done on the back wall by Frandrup Masonry which will  be worked on after the BBQ.  

Budget for 2025 

We should have a work session to discuss the budget and not everyone needs to be  present. We will not make any final decisions. We could create a committee but we  need to pick at date and time to go over the budget. We could start our September  meeting at 6:15 to go over the budget to work on finalizing it for approval at the meeting.  Ehlers should be a part of the budget and our long term planning for sewer down the road  for Cordell Court and Hereford Hills. Clerk Haro will contact Ehlers and will see when  they are available to come down and work with us. We also need to discuss sewer rates.  

Michael Morris  

Michael Morris, owner and operator of MMS Environmental LLC was introduced as a  sewer operator for wastewater treatment systems. They do all the work for a wastewater  treatment plant, which includes all testing and reports that need to be completed. They are  out of Randall, Minnesota but they have part time workers in Zumbrota and Bellechester.  Their contract would be a 3 year contract for $1,200 a month which includes weekly visits, when discharging from the ponds this would involve an extra visit to take samples. Every  month there is a report that is due to the state and they submit them and also every two  years an inspection needs to be done and they will be present when that is done. Anything  outside this service such as an alarm that goes off that they would need to respond to, would  be billed at their current rate. They would bill monthly starting from when the system is  operational. Any repairs will be done by those qualified such as a pump by a pump  manufacturer. It was asked what other services they provide and they indicated that they  are licensed water operators but as for locates since they need to be done on a quick timeline  they really don't do these.  

Bolton & Menk Sewer Update 

The road in front of school will hopefully be paved the week before school. They have  some more concrete work to do first. The intersection of Dickman should get done about  the same time. We are waiting on Xcel Energy to move a pole. We went underneath the  railroad for the storm sewer on Dixie and there was a water outage that happened and that  was fixed. They will start on the west end of the city and that part of the road was turned  into gravel and they will starting putting down the sanitary sewer to Cooper Avenue. After  this they will start on Dawson and then go right on 290th to Dickman They will also then  start the road towards Hwy 56. Highway 88 will be done before winter. They are hoping  to bring in another crew so we may see two or three pipe crews working at the same time.  

They created a detour access map for the BBQ and it will be put on the city’s website. The  Dakota County will also have a message board telling people where to travel which will be  from Highway 86 to Dickman. There will also be some handicap spaces for parking at the  BBQ at the end of the block after the fire trucks.  

It was indicated that will have Highway 88 completed before they start on Dickman which  will be later this Fall.  

The base of the holding ponds should be completed at the end of the month and then they  will start working on the berms.  

It was asked if we are still on schedule to be completed next year?. Yes it is. They will  get all stages done that were planned for completion this year and they hope to start others yet this year. The local roads such as Dawson, Davisson and 290th don’t have storm sewers  and no curbs so they will be completed faster.  

It was noted that all the roads stayed the same width at 20 feet which is also fire code. They  had to match what was there otherwise it would have to be city funded to widen them which  would be at approximate cost of $10,000 a foot which we would also have to take property  from homeowners so there is cost as well as impacts.  

It was brought up that 290th street from Dawson to Davisson on the south side shoulder is  in terrible shape – they will ask Northland to put some fill in on the south side. Find out  what the charge is otherwise we can check with Otte's. Can we make 290th street wider?  The conditions should improve once it is repaved and the shoulders are done. If we decide to make it wider, it would be cheaper to do it now versus waiting down the road. Matt’s recommendation that if we want to widen it now is the time to do it.  Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Friedrich, seconded by Jacob, the meeting was  adjourned at 8:21 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

Council Member Reports

Clerk Haro noted that she received a notice from Sciota Township that they are holding a  meeting on Thursday, August 22 at 7 pm at Sciota town hall to discuss the dewatering in  Waterford. If anyone is interested they are free to attend.  

Clerk Haro discussed the election judges pay – she will check with Greta to see if we can  change the pay.  

Mayor Jacob discussed an email that we received from Nutrien Warehouse in regards to  their open house they are holding for their grand opening. After the mayor talked with  them, it was realized they wanted the township invited but they indicated we are more than  welcome to attend.  

The Mayor also discussed the gas leak that happened in the city with the construction. She  received several calls regarding the leak but was wondering why we did not get a  notification while Hampton did. She was asking the firemen to check into this. They asked  for 3 blocks to be notified for safety reasons but the notification went out further than just  this area and they are checking on why that happened.  

Mayor Jacob also discussed purchasing a projector or a TV for our meetings to display  items.. We indicated we will purchase a TV and have the fire department lower the mount  for the television or purchase a new mount if needed.  


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Friedrich, seconded by Jacob, the meeting was  adjourned at 8:21 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.  

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